I created this course in response to client questions and concerns regarding wildfires and environmental spills that were occurring across the US.
The truth is our bodies are made to detox and if we support our systems on a regular basis we will recover quickly from these environmental exposures with minimal intervention.
But if we are living a toxic life, these exposures can push our bodies over the edge and into the world of disease very quickly.
In this mini-course, I will share:
- Common household products that are contributing to your toxic burden.
- Why reducing your toxin exposure is essential for overcoming and preventing disease and discomfort.
- The surprising reason why many people struggle with weight gain…and how to avoid it.
Whats Inside:
- Liver & Kidney Drainage Class
- Toxemia Lecture with Q&A
- Downloadable PDF Quick Reference Toxemia Guide
My intention for this mini class is to boost your confidence in your ability to keep yourself and your family safe from dangerous, everyday toxins that are hiding everywhere in modern society.
DISCLAIMER: All services & content provided by Earth Naturopathic are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, and/or cure any disease and/or condition. Please consult your primary care physician prior to starting a wellness program. For concerns, questions, or press inquiries please contact us at [email protected]